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About Inflation Monster Comics

Welcome to Inflation Monster Comics, where imagination meets empowerment! Founded by Richard K. Anderson, a visionary in the world of comic book publishing, our company is dedicated to creating captivating stories that educate, entertain, and empower readers of all ages.


Inflation Monster Comics proudly presents “The PSYCHED OUT OF YOUR MONEY GANG,” a thrilling series that delves into the world of finance, economics, and empowerment. Led by the formidable Inflation Monster, this gang of villains seeks to wreak havoc on the financial stability of the city.

Inflation Monster: Leader of the PSYCHED OUT OF YOUR MONEY GANG

Meet the mastermind behind the chaos, the Inflation Monster! This monstrous villain devours all money not invested, leading the charge in the gang’s mission to disrupt the city’s economy.


Prepare to encounter a rogues’ gallery of financial foes, each with their own unique powers and nefarious agendas:

1. Budget Buster:

  • Characteristics: A sleek and cunning adversary with a knack for tempting individuals to overspend and exceed their budgets.
  • Powers: Manipulates perceptions and desires to lure people into impulsive purchases and excessive spending. Has the ability to create illusions of wealth and luxury, leading to financial irresponsibility.

2. Careless Card:

  • Characteristics: A mischievous and sly villain with a deck of enchanted credit cards at their disposal.
  • Powers: Tempts individuals with easy credit and instant gratification, trapping them in a cycle of debt and financial dependency. Can hypnotize victims into making reckless purchases and accumulating high-interest debt.

3. Cousin Want:

  • Characteristics: A charismatic and persuasive villain who preys on individuals’ desires for status and material possessions.
  • Powers: Exploits social pressure and comparison to incite feelings of inadequacy and “keeping up with the Joneses.” Uses charm and manipulation to convince people to prioritize immediate wants over long-term financial goals.

4. Gotta Have It:

  • Characteristics: A relentless and insatiable villain driven by the desire for instant gratification and impulse buying.
  • Powers: Generates compulsive urges and cravings for unnecessary purchases, leading individuals to prioritize short-term desires over responsible financial planning. Can create illusions of urgency and scarcity to pressure people into making hasty decisions.

Join the Fight Against Financial Foes!

Inflation Monster Comics invites you to join the fight against the PSYCHED OUT OF YOUR MONEY GANG! Through our thrilling stories and dynamic characters, we aim to educate and empower readers to make wise financial decisions and protect their financial futures.

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