Psyched Out Of Your Money Your Money Gang

Psyched Out Of Your Money Gang

Inflation Monster Comics Characters

Prepare to encounter a rogues’ gallery of financial foes, each with their own unique powers and nefarious agendas:

Budget Buster

Characteristics: A sleek and cunning adversary with a knack for tempting individuals to overspend and exceed their budgets.

Powers: Manipulates perceptions and desires to lure people into impulsive purchases and excessive spending. Has the ability to create illusions of wealth and luxury, leading to financial irresponsibility.

Careless Card

Characteristics: A mischievous and sly villain with a deck of enchanted credit cards at their disposal.

Powers: Tempts individuals with easy credit and instant gratification, trapping them in a cycle of debt and financial dependency. Can hypnotize victims into making reckless purchases and accumulating high-interest debt.

Cousin Want

Characteristics: A charismatic and persuasive villain who preys on individuals’ desires for status and material possessions.

Powers: Exploits social pressure and comparison to incite feelings of inadequacy and “keeping up with the Joneses.” Uses charm and manipulation to convince people to prioritize immediate wants over long-term financial goals.

Gotta Have It

Characteristics: A relentless and insatiable villain driven by the desire for instant gratification and impulse buying.

Powers: Generates compulsive urges and cravings for unnecessary purchases, leading individuals to prioritize short-term desires over responsible financial planning. Can create illusions of urgency and scarcity to pressure people into making hasty decisions.

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